Developers In India Create App To Guide Covid-positive People On Home Isolation, Now Available On Apple iOS App Store

A team of developers in India has created an app designed to guide people isolating at home after testing positive for Covid-19. The app, supported by Johns Hopkins University, is now available on the Apple iOS App Store. 

The Vee+Svasa app has been developed by Bengaluru and New York-headquartered IT services company Vee Technologies, with the help of the Valliappa Foundation.  

“We are happy to announce that for the wellbeing of society, Vee Technologies have gone forward; and launched an app that will help COVID patients in various ways. Vee Technologies launched the Vee+ Svasa app to guide COVID patients in these trying times. The app provides a wealth of learning on treating themselves at home,” the Valliappa Foundation website said. 

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“The Valliappa Foundation, a part of the reputed and globally acclaimed, “The Sona Group”, is another stupendous effort, by “The Sona Group”, in contributing to the growth of India’s economy. Shri. Karumuthu Thiagarajan Chettiar, the great visionary and freedom fighter, was the brain behind the evolution of the multi-faceted Organization, which now adds another feather in its cap, with the commissioning of the Valliappa Foundation,” it says. 

The app delivers educational videos, information about accessing local medical care and Covid vaccines, and other content that medical experts have sourced. 

“We reached out to Johns Hopkins India Institute to give access to the globally accepted standard of care protocols for home isolation cases. For Indians battling the Covid pandemic amid the threat of a third Covid wave, this would be immensely helpful,” Chocko Valliappa, trustee of the Valliappa Foundation, was quoted as saying

The home quarantine app offers authentic information on treating oneself at home, isolating oneself and protecting others in the family. It offers suggestions and tips for caregivers on measuring oxygen saturation levels and provides an easy-to-understand Covid-19 treatment flowchart. 

The health protocols and other information presented in the app only come from very authentic sources like Johns Hopkins University, the Indian Council of Medical Research, and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. 

The app also has a Covid-19 screening tool that gives information about the virus and tells one what to do and how to care for oneself.   

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