What Are the Procedures and Guidelines for NRIs to Adopt Children in India?

Adopting a child is a life-changing experience, and NRIs can contribute to the well-being of Indian children through adoption. While the process involves certain complexities and legal requirements, with the right guidance and support, NRIs can successfully adopt children in India. It’s essential to work closely with adoption agencies, legal experts, and authorities to ensure a smooth and lawful adoption process.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how NRIs can adopt children in India!

Eligibility Criteria

Age: Prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) should be at least 25 years old, and there should be a minimum age difference of 25 years between the child and either adopting parent.
Marital Status: Married couples can adopt jointly. Single individuals are also eligible but may face additional restrictions.
Health: PAPs should be physically and mentally fit.
Financial Stability: PAPs should have a stable income to provide for the child’s well-being.
Citizenship: NRIs are eligible to adopt in India, but they need to prove their NRI status.

Read more: Can NRIs Adopt Children in India? A Comprehensive Guide

NRI Status Verification

NRIs must provide documents such as a passport, visa, or certificate of residency to prove their NRI status.

Choose an Adoption Agency

NRIs should register with a recognized adoption agency in their country of residence or with the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) if applicable.

Home Study

A social worker will conduct a home study to evaluate the prospective adoptive parents’ suitability for adoption. This includes interviews, home visits, and background checks.

Registration and Dossier Submission

Complete the required adoption agency registration forms and submit all necessary documents. This includes proof of NRI status, identity documents, financial statements, and personal references.

Matching with a Child

The adoption agency or CARA will identify a suitable child based on the PAPs’ preferences and the child’s needs.
PAPs will receive information about the child’s background and medical history.

Acceptance or Rejection

NRIs have the option to accept or reject the referral of the child based on the information provided.

Pre-Adoption Foster Care

NRIs may be required to visit India and complete a pre-adoption foster care period with the child. This is essential for bonding and adjustment.

Court Proceedings

Legal formalities, including court proceedings, will be initiated to obtain an adoption order. This legal process ensures that the adoption is recognized under Indian law.

Post-Adoption Follow-up

After the adoption is finalized, post-adoption follow-up visits may be required to ensure the child’s well-being and to provide any necessary support.

Obtaining Indian Citizenship

NRIs must complete the formalities to obtain Indian citizenship for the adopted child.

Overseas Adoption Authority

NRIs should follow the adoption procedures and requirements of their country of residence, in addition to Indian regulations.

Along with these, NRIs should also consider hiring legal representation in India to navigate the legal intricacies of adoption.

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