Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS): Indian-curriculum schools in Dubai scores highest in Science and Mathematics

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a large scale assessment of students of year 4 and year 8 that measures the effectiveness of countries in imparting knowledge in the field of mathematics and science. Over 72 countries with 5,80,000 students participate in the study every year. The highlight of this year’s results, however, is that students from Dubai’s private schools have scored among the top 10 in the world, with students attending Indian-curriculum schools scoring the highest in Grades IV and VIII Science and Grade VIII mathematics, as they scored 568, 598 and 580, respectively.

The students of Dubai’s private schools were ranked fifth among participating countries and the highest-ranking was achieved in Grade VIII. In Grade IV science, they were placed eighth whereas, in Grade VIII and IV mathematics, they scored seventh and 10th, respectively. The students of the United Kingdom (UK)-curriculum schools were placed the highest in Grade IV mathematics with 565 points.

Another achievement by these students is that a majority of they scored above the TIMSS’s international average score of 500. The data released by the study showed that 75% of Grade IV mathematics and science students, 74% of Grade VIII mathematics students and 78% of Grade VIII science students were able to achieve this target.

According to a report by KhaleejTimesDr Abdulla Al Karam, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Director-General of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), said, “The leadership of the UAE had announced ambitious National Agenda targets for Dubai’s private schools six years ago. Our education community has never backed away from a challenge. Ever since Dubai first participated in its first TIMSS cycle in 2007, schools have made consistent and significant improvement. What started as an ambitious target soon became a reality. These results are a testament to the dedication, commitment and love that Dubai’s principals and teachers have for their students, their schools, and their city. They are also a reflection of Dubai’s promise to provide students with a world-class education that values wellbeing as well as academics.” A total of 7,265 Grade IV students from 199 Dubai private schools and 5,728 Grade VIII students from 163 schools across various curricula participated in the digital version of TIMSS 2019. This was Dubai’s fourth consecutive participation in TIMSS, including the first in 2007. The results also proved to be an achievement for UAE as it showed that it was able to fulfil the UAE’s National Agenda’s TIMSS targets.

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