‘The World Should Not Turn Its Back on Us’, Read Afghan Filmmaker Sahraa Karimi’s Heartbreaking Letter

As the Taliban entered Afghanistan’s presidential palace hours after former President Ashraf Ghani fled the country on Sunday, the insurgent group took control of the capital city Kabul. Many have been posting videos, photos, and notes on the horrific situation prevalent in the city and all across the country.   

An Afghan filmmaker Sahraa Karimi has written a heartbreaking letter to the film community requesting them to join her “in protecting my beautiful people, especially filmmakers from the Taliban.”  

“I am writing this with a broken heart and with the deep hope that you will join us in saving my beautiful country from the Taliban,” she wrote.   

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“They massacred our people, kidnapped many children, they killed a woman in the name of dress, they tortured and killed one of our favorite comedians, they killed a prehistoric poet,” she wrote of the Taliban. “They killed people associated with the government, some of us were hanged in public, and they displaced millions of families. After fleeing from these provinces, the families are in camps in Kabul, where they are in a state of dire straits.”  

“Children are dying in the camps due to dacoity and lack of milk. This is a humanitarian crisis, and yet the world is silent. We are used to this silence, but we know it is not fair. We know this decision to leave our people is wrong, we need your voice. What I have worked so hard for as a filmmaker in my country is likely to collapse. If the Taliban takes power, they will ban all arts. Me and other filmmakers could be next on his hit list. They will violate the rights of women and our expression will be silenced.”  

Appealing to those in the entertainment community to spread the word, Karimi wrote: “Please support your filmmakers and artists as our voice, share this fact with your media and write about us on your social media. The world does not turn towards us. We need your support and voice on behalf of Afghan women, children, artists and filmmakers. This is the biggest help we need right now. Please help us not to leave this world to the Afghans. Please help us before Kabul Taliban comes to power. We only have a few days.”  

On Saturday, Karimi posted a video as she ran through the streets of Kabul, panicked that the Taliban was near. “Taliban have entered the city and we are running away. Everyone is afraid,” she said breathlessly. 

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