LLM From Assas Helps Students Embrace Creative Solutions For Complex Problems

The Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) was instituted in 1970 and is the heir to the Faculté de Droit et de Sciences Economiques de Paris since the 13th century. It is the second oldest law faculty in the world. Popularly known as Assas or Paris 2, it is a leading research-based law university in France and Europe. Currently, the university has four campuses around the world in Paris, Dubai, Mauritius, and Singapore. It has also produced influential leaders around the world, including many prime ministers and presidents of several countries such as France, Greece, Rwanda, etc. The university accepts 18,000 students per year, including 3,000 international students. 

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The school has a plethora of courses for students to choose from. One among them is the LL.M. in International Business Law that provides students with a unique opportunity in the field of law. Essentially, it is an educational training program in Law that was created in the framework of Sorbonne Assas International Law School, the first European Law school in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It comprises a multi-disciplinary and international curriculum that facilitates a strong understanding of European and International Law issues. The duration of the course is one year and the coursework is organized around 16 seminars, eight in business and 8 in law. 

The LL.M program trains students and professionals to deal with several issues such as funding, restructuring, LBO, financial engineering, important cross-borders mergers or financial transactions and setting-up of industrial projects. These educational exchanges are very interesting as they entail many complications, and the adoption of creative solutions becomes pertinent. The study and the analysis of such legal, financial and accounting issues raise queries, provide unique perspectives and case studies to the students. The students will deal with different viewpoints and try to grasp the intricacies of international law. The coursework will prepare the students to understand the complexities of contracts, guarantees, funding, or settling of international trade disputes, cross-border mergers, major acquisitions, stock-market operations, financial engineering and leveraged buyouts. 

 The course is taught in English on all four campuses by renowned local law practitioners and Paris-2 faculty. The applicants must have a master’s degree or relevant diplomas with four years of professional work experience. Proficiency in English is a compulsory requirement, which must be attested through IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL certifications. It is to be noted that the applicants need to secure a score of 7/9 for the IELTS, 90/120 for the TOEFL, and 800/990 for the TOEIC in order to be eligible to apply. 

Check the link below for further information regarding this course: 


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