Indian Flag Spotted Amidst Attack in the U.S. Capitol building

The U.S. parliament was all set to officially announce the victory of Joe Biden, but the show did not go as planned. Thousands of Trump supporters gathered 2 miles from the parliament building and raised voices against Joe Biden. The dramatic event that shocked the world took place at one o’clock in the morning as per Indian time. Trump supporters have previously stated that they disapprove of Joe Biden’s victory in the U.S. presidency. The capitol protesters rioted in front of the White House, waving American flags and chanting slogans. 

One of the significant issues was that the Indian national flag was waved during the violent attack. The related video has gone viral on the internet. “Distressed to see news about rioting and violence in Washington DC. Orderly and peaceful transfer of power must continue. The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests,” – Indian Prime Minister NarendraModi tweeted in his official account. He has also commented that “the transfer of power should take place in a peaceful manner”. 

According to the Indians, it is very disgraceful for India to wave the national flag in another country during the violence. Moreover, the tricolour flag is an emotional thing to the Indians. It is believed that someone living in the U.S. supporting Donald Trump may have used the Indian flag during the attack.

The pro-Trump protesters broke through barricades and clashed with the police. So far, four people have been killed. The police had to use tear gas to evacuate the demonstrators. The senators were also moved to a safer location. A curfew has been announced in Washington. Today, the entire world is staring at America even many world leaders have condemned U.S. violence. Trump reiterated that the victory was with him and called for an end to the protests on Twitter. Meanwhile, President-elect Joe Biden condemned the violence. He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture. Biden also demanded that Trump should address the issue to the public. Former President George W. Bush has also publicly criticized Trump.

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