Everything About SOAS University of London’s CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership

Celebrating over 100 years of research and teaching excellence, SOAS University of London is a unique institution specializing in the study of Africa, Asia and the Near and Middle East. Debating pressing contemporary issues such as human rights, development, migration, identity, legal systems, poverty, religion and social change, SOAS programmes are taught by specialists engaged in research and fieldwork, which influence both government policy and the lives of individuals across the globe.  

With 130 nationalities represented on campus, SOAS is one of the most multi-cultural universities in the world. Also, with London being considered as the “Best Student City”, studying here means getting to visit the plethora of international galleries, watching musicals, opera, plays and exploring London’s vibrant nightlife. However, for those wanting to pursue research at SOAS, finding adequate funding becomes imperative. 

Currently, up to 56 Arts and Humanities studentships available over here are from The Consortium of the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE) Doctoral Training Partnership. CHASE Studentships are for PhD-level studies only. Successful applicants receive full tuition fee coverage and a stipend to cover living expenses, apart from accessing further funds for skills training and research. CHASE invites applications for its sixth round of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Ph.D. Studentship awards. CHASE is one of 10 Doctoral Training Partnerships in the UK awarded and funded by the AHRC. 

SOAS, University of London, is a part of CHASE which brings together 8 leading institutions engaged in collaborative research activities, including an AHRC doctoral training partnership. These are the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent and Sussex, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, Birkbeck, University of London and SOAS, University of London. 


Selection panels will grade applications according to the following criteria: 

1. Research proposal 

2. Preparedness for research 

The applicant must be able to demonstrate the understanding of appropriate research skills required for the successful completion of the project. Also, he or she must have appropriate training at the Master’s level or equivalent (including experience gained outside of higher education) to undertake the project. The applicant’s references should fully support the applicant’s preparedness for doctoral study. 

3. Suitability of research environment 

Applications shortlisted by the institution will be sent to the relevant CHASE selection panel. The scope of each selection panel is as follows: 

  • History, Thought and Systems of Belief 
  • Art History and Visual Cultures 
  • Media and Creative Practice 
  • Literature, Language and Culture 


Applicants should follow two steps: 

STEP 1: Apply for Research Degrees at SOAS as soon as possible (ideally by mid-December 2021) but no later than 10 January 2022. 

Applicants must submit a complete admissions application by this deadline. However, for a successful application, it is necessary for the prospective applicant to apply by mid-December 2021.  

The application for Research Degrees will only be initially assessed once two references have been confidentially submitted by the nominated referees.  

STEP 2: Apply for the Scholarship by 12.00 pm (UK local time) on 28 January 2022. 

Candidates should work with the proposed supervisor to develop their application. They will need to provide a supervisor statement in support of the application and can advise on the drafting of the project proposal. It is also important to identify two referees, one of whom may be the proposed supervisor as well.  

For further details on the Chase Scholarship, please click here.

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