World’s Richest Man All Set To Travel To Space With His Brother

A man like him needs no introduction. Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest person on this planet and the founder of Amazon, June 7 announced his trip to space next month. Taking to Instagram, Jeff Bezos uploaded a video in which he said, “Ever since I was five years old, I have dreamed of traveling to space.” This goes on to establish the fact that dreams do come true if one has the tenacity to work hard.

Stating that his brother Mark would accompany him on the flight, Bezos said he would embark on “the greatest adventure, with my best friend”. The launch by Blue Origin will take Bezos and his brother to space on July 20, two weeks after he plans to retire as the chief executive officer of, Inc.

Blue Origin happens to be one of the high-profile space-tourism companies backed by Jeff Bezos whose net worth is $187 billion.

With this, Blue Origin will launch its first-ever human spaceflight beating the other aerospace company SpaceX founded by Elon Musk. Space Exploration Technologies Corp or SpaceX, which creates rockets powerful enough to enter orbit around Earth, is yet to announce a travel plan to space. Meanwhile, Richard Branson-backed Virgin Galactic Holdings still planning to launch flights to suborbital space for ultra-wealthy adventure seekers, giving direct competition to Blue Origin.

The British billionaire, Branson, long back stated he would be one of the first passengers to travel to space with Virgin Galactic Holdings’ rocket-powered plane. However, it is expected to take place in the latter part of 2021.

Blue Origin’s flight crewed flight will witness the company’s six-seater capsule and 59-foot rocket heading to the edge of space on an 11-minute flight that is bound to cover over 60 miles above Earth. The spacecraft manufacturer is also auctioning off one seat on the flight. Once the seat is purchased, the fund will directly go to Blue Origin’s science and technology foundation, Club for the Future.

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