World Nature Conservation Day 2021: Things To Try Out at Home to Protect Our Planet

Observed every year on 28th July, World Nature Conservation Day came into existence as an appropriate day to make people aware of the best practices to protect our water, air, soil, trees, animals and so on. 

The theme for 2021 says, “Persevere to preserve – There is no Plan (et) B ”. It clearly comes across as a clarion call for us to commandeer all resources and channelize all our efforts in saving the blue planet, we call Earth. Ecosystem-based adaptation revolves around a simple theory: look after nature, and it will look after you. 

Let’s take this day as a motivation to empower ourselves with a more natural lifestyle for our well-being and health. Think, apply and act accordingly to execute these simplified ways of change – 

  1. Instead of a Gym Membership, try to walk/jog/exercise in the park, garden, playground to feel the joy below the open sky rather than confine oneself inside concrete walls. 
  1. The lucky ones who reside near some hotspots can go for a hike or trek among the woods and mountains to relish the elements of nature more closely. 
  1. Inclusion of more organic and natural products in our diet by keeping processed, canned foods, supplements and frozen items at bay. Balancing the choice and variety with abundant fruits and vegetables to support local farmers and indigenous crops. 
  1. Our hobbies can be a way to reconnect with nature, so by refraining from our phones and computers we can switch to more earthly hobbies such as gardening, feeding birds and stray animals. 
  1. For a change if space is available, we can also shift some of our work outdoors; laying a carpet at your terrace or lawn on a cool breezy day to read a book, to write a poem or to speak over the phone gazing at the blue sky or even sip your favourite beverage as wind gushes around. 
  1. Also engage in daily meditation, yoga or mindfulness in the open space, as these increase effectiveness to our body and soul. 
  1. Even if we have aligned ourselves too much with the virtual world: attending meetings on Zooms, Google Meet, engaging in Whats App, Instagram group chats for the sake of staying indoors as per Covid protocol. It’s always great to socialize with people in person, understanding each other and living a life in peace and harmony. 

There can be a lot many strategies to encourage ourselves to lead a healthy and peaceful life amid crises and adversities. So, it’s worth adopting such activities which are bound to increase an individual’s happiness index. 

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