UAE Travel Guide: Can You Apply for a UAE Visit Visa After Receiving Sputnik Vaccine?

UAE authorities on August 28 announced that all vaccinated tourists across the world could visit the emirates. As per the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) and Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA), tourist visa applications are open to people from all countries from August 30 but on only one condition. Travellers can enter UAE if they are fully inoculated with any of the World Health Organisation (WHO) vaccines.  

However, people may wonder if Sputnik V vaccine receivers from India can step into the UAE. It’s a valid question as Sputnik V has already been approved in the UAE by not by WHO. If you fall under this category, you must know before planning a trip to visit the UAE that technically you cannot travel to the country. ICA is allowing those passengers on board who are fully vaccinated with WHO-certified vaccines.  

If you don’t know yet which vaccines have gotten approval from WHO for emergency use, here’s a list of WHO-approved vaccines:  

• AstraZeneca  

• Pfizer  

• Janssen  

• Moderna  

• AstraZeneca/ CoviShield  

• AstraZeneca/ AZD1222 (manufactured by the SII and SK Bio)  

• Sinopharm  

• Sinovac   

If you are vaccinated with any of the above-mentioned vaccines, you are good to go. But before travelling, verify your vaccination certificate by the UAE’s authorised app, Al Hosn, and ensure carrying a hard or soft copy of the vaccination certificate along with a negative rapid PCR report with a QR code throughout your journey. Some passengers might be tested again upon arrival. If you are one of them and your test result is positive, you have to be isolated for as many days as 14 days and follow the Ministry of Health and Prevention instructions. If you violate home quarantine rules, you would be liable to pay a fine of Dh 50,000 (INR 9,98,000).   

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