This Indian-origin Father-Daughter Duo Is Making Some Heads Turn With A Unique Venture

With a digital legacy and an emergency planning platform, Clocr, founders, Apoorva Chintala and her father Sree Chintala, are setting a new example through a unique entrepreneurial journey.

Clocr, a tech start-up by the Indian-origin father-daughter duo, aims to provide security to essential documents while making critical information accessible during emergencies. Built on a cloud-based digital locker platform, Clocr was developed by Apoorva Chintala, an undergraduate student at the University of Texas, Austin, after the demise of her grandfather.

“I was in high school then and my father, the eldest sibling, found very little information about who my grandfather wanted everything to go to after his death in Hyderabad,” Apoorva said. “That’s where the idea of Clocr began.”

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Clocr was designed to help families organise their information in one place, digitally, and be more prepared for estate planning,” Apoorva, the CEO and co-founder of Clocr said by elaborating further.

Sree Chintala, Chief Technology Officer of Clocr, said that during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the operations of almost every sector moved online, escalating the risk of cybersecurity, Clocr served as a platform to store digital assets such as photos, videos, music and emails with tight security. “The pandemic has also taught us to prepare for the worst and therefore the importance of estate planning and passing on what we own digitally,” he said further.

As a result, Clocr was set up in 2018, won multiple laurels, including entrepreneurship and pitch competitions. It even got angel investment.

Sree felt that there’s an urgent requirement of educating people in India about protecting their digital assets. Hence, the all-in-one digital legacy planning and disbursement platform further planned to soft launch the product across the Indian market to create awareness regarding the importance of securing your personal and professional data and information available online. Considering the legal aspects, initially, a soft launch would be better before offering its full services to Indian customers, Sree stated.

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