Portugal To Become Hot Destination for Skilled Indians

Work opportunities are likely to open up for Indian skilled workers and professionals after the government of India approved to sign an agreement on the recruitment of Indian citizens to work in Portugal last week. The agreement that will be signed between Portugal and India is on the lines of the migration partnership signed between the UK and India in May 2021. With this, Indian migrant workers will have a new destination in a European country.  

A statement by the ministry of external affairs said that the agreement would provide new opportunities to many skilled Indian workers professionals who have come back to India following the Covid-19 pandemic. Once signed the deal, Portugal and India will have a formal arrangement to recruit Indian workers.  

As per the statement, under a new joint committee, an institutional mechanism will soon be set up for partnership and cooperation between India and Portugal to send and accept Indian workers. The proposed government-to-government mechanism will make sure that workers’ movement takes place smoothly with maximum support from both sides.  

This agreement is likely to benefit Indians looking for job opportunities in Europe through Portugal’s Golden Resident Permit programme that has been in effect since 2012 and attracts several big shot Indian investors.  

Portugal’s thriving construction, real estate, manufacturing and software industries are likely to offer job opportunities for engineers, IT professionals, construction workers, plumbers, and many from India.  

The fast-track permanent residency permit for applicants (who acquire property in Portugal valued at €500,000 or more, or €350,000 or more for properties more than 30 years old or located in urban regeneration areas) from non-EU countries has been attractive for many Indians looking at setting up businesses in the European Union countries. 

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