A Village in Tamil Nadu Prays for the Victory Kamala Harris

As the world impatiently waits to know the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election, a small village in Tamil Nadu, miles away from Washington, prays for the victory of democratic contender Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris. Thulasendrapuram, a small village about 300 kilometers south of Chennai, is in election fervour with flex boards wishing victory for Ms. Harris. Ms. Harris’ maternal grandfather P.V. Gopalan hailed from Thulasendrapuram and migrated to Chennai nearly 90 years back. The villagers are filled with pride in the achievements of Ms. Harris and held her in high regard.

Ms. Harris’ mother, ShyamalaGopalan, migrated to America as part of her studies and settled there, marrying Stanford economist Donal Harris. Villagers remember Shyamala visiting with child Kamala many years back. Ms. Harris fondly remembered her grandfather and his teachings and memories in Chennai once she ensured her nomination. Her name is also etched in the temple plaque following a donation after becoming the Attorney General of California.

On November 3, villagers of Thulasendrapuramorganised a special puja at the Sri Dharma Sastha temple for the victory of Ms. Harris and Biden, followed by annadhanam or food offering at the temple premises. They served Idli and Sambar, the favourite dish of Ms. Harris, according to the villagers. Women in the village showed their support and blessings through making rangolis. Villagers were ecstatic about Ms. Harris’ achievements, and they organised a similar puja when she was nominated as Biden’s running mate. Several international media, including the New York Times and Reuters, reported the celebration in Thulasendrapuram on the election day. Speaking to the media, villagers are confident about Ms. Harris’ victory and look forward to the results. Several villagers hope that her success would bring good for their village. They expect good donations to the temple and hope for a college shortly. They also expect her visit after becoming the Vice President of the United States.

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