This Atlanta Teen is Redefining The Field Of Medicine

A high-school goer, Krish Wadhwani is dominating in the field of medicine. Based out of Atlanta, Georgia, this student at Denmark High School is experimenting with synthetic technology to offer help to patients afflicted by neurodiversity ailments. Krish has so far discovered feats in the medical field both inside and outside of the classroom. 

He got hooked on medicine when he learned that his happiness lies in others’ happiness after participating in community service projects and research opportunities. 

“When you’re active within the medical field, you’re continuously trying to eliminate the pain of people through treatment and medical development,” Krish was quoted as saying

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Once Krish realised that his future lay in serving others, he started creating projects and devoted his time to research on how to cure two types of frequently acknowledged dementia disease in older adults, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s. 

His biggest discovery so far is a synthetic molecule system designed to treat people suffering from Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s. Krish has been working on this project for the last three years. 

The results are pretty impressive as “at the lab, testing the synthetic molecules against the disease proteins of dementia patients have responded positively,” elaborated Krish. 

Though Krish says that his biggest breakthrough is synthetic molecule research, he has many other accomplishments under his belt. His findings titled ‘Modulating Family Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Interactions for Aggressive Blood-Forming Cancer Cell Remedy’ for the International Therapeutics Summit were recognised by a medical information officer at Johnson and Johnson. 

Krish’s work got featured in two of the peer-reviewed journals, fetching him the grand award in the International Therapeutics Summit for 2021. 

Additionally, the rising senior along with his first mentor, Dr Vasav Sahni, opened a non-profit organisation, HD Solvera, aiming to help small medical and health service operations at a young age. The multi-faced organisation has expanded to a level that it now provides a platform to researchers from accredited universities of Georgia. 

HD Solvera has raised more than 10,000 dollars so far for aiding people with ailments. 

The organisation not only offers help to cure dementia but also volunteer and support small medical operations across the state. It has adopted a new goal to assist people to mitigate their mental health issues and related diseases. Krish and his team are now working on developing an app that is expected to be launched in September 2021 to enhance productivity and reduce stress. 

Krish also dreams of joining Harvard Medical School someday to continue his research and efforts in the medical field to eke out a career in the same arena. 

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