Qatar, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), has announced on 26 January 2022, that shisha services may be offered in open spaces of tourist areas and buffet services will now be allowed in some restaurants.
Shisha services include a pipe for smoking marijuana, tobacco, etc, consisting of one or more long flexible stems connected to a container of water or other liquid through which smoke is drawn and cooled. It is also called hubble-bubble, kalian, narghile, water pipe.
As per the latest Cabinet decision, to ease restrictions imposed in the wake of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, shisha services may be offered in open spaces of tourist areas. It also allowed the resumption of open buffet services in restaurants with a Qatar Clean certificate.
From June 2020, all Qatar National Tourism Council (QNTC) hotels have received the Qatar Clean Programme certificates. The Qatar Clean Programme is responsible for making sure that hotels have the highest standards when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness.
However, Restaurants & Cafes Should Abide By These Rules:
In indoor spaces, allowing entry to vaccinated customers and their children under 12 years old, at a capacity of
-75% for restaurants with a ‘Qatar Clean’ certificate.
-40% for pre-qualified restaurants
In outdoor spaces, allowing entry to vaccinated and unvaccinated customers and their children under 12 years old, at a capacity of
-100% for restaurants with a ‘Qatar Clean’ certificate
– 50% for pre-qualified restaurants.
Allowing the resumption of open buffet services in restaurants with a ‘Qatar Clean’ certificate.
Allowing shisha service in the outdoor spaces of restaurants and cafes in tourist areas.
Previously, the instructions came into effect on October 3, 2021. Under that Shisha, services were allowed to be offered in open spaces of tourist areas only, making visitors aware of the need to maintain a safe distance of at least two meters.
For Restaurants & Cafes In Open Spaces:
Allowing 100% capacity for restaurants and cafes with a Qatar Clean Program certification.
Allowing a capacity not exceeding 50% for the rest of the restaurants and cafes.
Restaurants and cafes in closed spaces:
Allowing a capacity not exceeding 75% for restaurants and cafes that have a Qatar Clean Program certification.
Allowing a capacity not exceeding 40% for the rest of the restaurants and cafes.
All customers must have received all COVID-19 vaccine doses, and children under the age of 12 are allowed entry only when accompanied by their families.