New Visa Rules In UAE For Long Term Residency Permit: All You Need To Know  

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has adopted a new set of visa rules with a liberalised Entry and Residence Scheme for foreigners.   

The Federal Decree-Law on Entry and Residence of Foreigners’ executive regulations were approved by the UAE cabinet headed by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.   

The new visa rules in UAE aim to support the country’s competitiveness in the tourism, economic and educational sectors. The new system is expected to attract and retain global talents and skilled workers worldwide, boosting the UAE economy. The scope of beneficiaries has been expanded to offer more benefits, including ten years of renewable residence.  

  1. Golden Residence 

The new Entry and Residence Scheme also offers ten types of entry visas with simplified requirements and more benefits. The new visas require no host or sponsor and offer more flexibility, multi-entry, 60-day validity, and one unified application platform.  

The new system for residence visas and entry permits offers new types of residence permits for investors, skilled employees, self-employed individuals and family members. The new visa types provide customised benefits to each category.  

The amendments, as per the new visa rules in UAE, allow the Golden Residence holder to sponsor his/ her family members, including spouse and children, regardless of their age, and sponsor support services (domestic) labourers without limiting their number. Furthermore, there is no restriction on the maximum duration of stay outside the UAE to keep the Golden Residence valid.  

There are other benefits for family members too. One among those is that allows them to stay in the UAE after the death of the original holder of the Golden Residence until the end of their permit duration. 2) Golden Residence for Scientists 

Based on a recommendation from the Emirates Scientists Council, scientists and researchers with high achievements and influence in their field will be granted residence.  

The applicant should have a PhD or master’s degree in engineering, technology, life sciences and natural sciences from the best universities in the world and substantial research achievements.  

 3) Golden Residence for Professionals 

The expansion in this category is to attract highly skilled workers with educational qualifications and professional experience in all disciplines. The disciplines include medicine, sciences and engineering, information technology, business and administration, education, law, culture and social sciences.  

The applicants should possess a valid employment contract in the UAE and be classified in the first or second occupational level as per the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation classification, which is aligned with the International Standard of Classification of Occupations ISCO by the International Labour Organisation.  

The candidate should have a minimum educational qualification of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Also, the monthly salary should not be less than AED30,000.  

4) Golden Residence for Exceptional Talents  

This residence is granted based on talent only regardless of the educational qualification, employment status, monthly salary or professional level. The talented individuals should be from culture, art, sports, digital technology, inventors, innovators, and other vital fields.  

5) Golden Residence for Real Estate Investors  

Real estate investors can avail the Golden Residence when purchasing a property worth no less than AED2 million.  

6) Golden Residence for Entrepreneurs 

The executive regulations give flexible requirements for entrepreneurs to obtain the Golden Residence. For this,  an entrepreneur should own or be a partner in a startup registered in the country in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) category generating annual revenues of not less than AED1 million.  

7) Golden Visa for Outstanding Students and Graduates 

High performing students in UAE secondary schools, outstanding graduates from UAE universities, and the best 100 universities worldwide are the target group under this residence visa. 

8) Green Residence for Skilled Employee  

The green residence provides a 5-year residency for skilled employees without a sponsor or employer. The applicants, however, have to have a valid employment contract and be classified in the first, second or third occupational level as per the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.  

The applicant should have a minimum educational level of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and the salary should not be less than AED15,000.   

9) Green Residence for Freelancing and Self-Employment  

Through this, freelancers and self-employed individuals will obtain a five-year residency without requiring a sponsor or employer in the UAE. The candidates should obtain a freelance/ self-employment permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. Also, the minimum educational level should be a bachelor’s degree or specialised diploma. The annual income from self-employment for the previous two years should not be less than AED360,000, or the applicant proves financial solvency throughout his/her stay in the country.   

10) Green Residence for Investor or Partner  

This residence permit encourages investment, providing a 5-year residency for investors establishing or participating in commercial activities. It replaces the previous residence that was valid for two years only. Requirements include approval of the investment and proof of investment. The total invested capital will be calculated if the investor (partner) has more than one licence. Approval of the competent local authorities is mandatory.   

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