Modern lifestyle has its own pros and cons owing to pressing needs of life and resulting hectic hours. We often forget to take care of thy Self.
According to Francis Chan, a famous American author, “We are a culture that relies on technology over community, a society in which spoken and written words are cheap, easy to come by, and excessive. We are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry.”
Results of studies at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, focus on Social, Emotional and Ethical (SEE) learning.
The technique could be beneficial to restore your energy and return yourself to (or keep yourself in) your resilient zone, especially when you are busy or working hard or something unexpectedly stressful happens.
You can set a timer for these if you like; use a watch or clock, or just estimate a minute’s worth of practice that does the magic without a magic potion.
These one-minute practices based on SEE includes-
To calm your body and prepare first:
1. Take 10-20 seconds to ground.
2. Adjust your posture to the most comfortable posture and become aware of the way your body is supported.
3. Allow your mind to just observe your breath coming in and out in a relaxed manner. If you like, you can think “I am breathing in” when you breathe in” and “I am breathing out” when you breathe out.
Do this for 3 or 5 rounds of breathing. If you get distracted, just return your mind to the breath. In the end, notice what you feel on the inside.

Following the 10-20 seconds grounding process, bring something to mind that makes you feel better or safer. Now just rest your mind and observe whatever arises. Notice thoughts, sensations and emotions as they come and go, without any need to engage them. If you get caught up in a thought or feeling, just go back to mere noticing and observing. After 40 seconds or so, conclude by noticing what you feel on the inside.
Think of an internal, external or imagined resource that makes you feel better, safer, or greater well-being. Bring it to mind vividly (with specific sensations if possible) for 20-30 seconds. Then, notice what you feel on the inside. If you see a pleasant or neutral feeling in your body, pay attention to that part of your body or sensation for another 10-15 seconds.

Meanwhile readers can try practicing to adopt in their daily life and wait for the remaining practices to be published in the following article.
(Inputs and data from SEE Learning Resources of Emory University)